Integrated Farming System Research Station (IFSRS), Karamana and Central Prison, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram embarked on a collaborative venture for undertaking cultivation in one acre fallow land available in the Central prison. The programme was implemented jointly by scientists of IFSRS, Karamana, Sri.Sunil Kumar. B., the Superintendent of Central Prison and Sri. Liju M. V, the Assistant Prison Officer with cooperation of eleven prison inmates. Various crops viz. vegetables, rice, maize, groundnut, mustard etc were planted and maintained in the fallow areas in prison compound with the technical support of IFSRS, Karamana. The first harvest was jointly inaugurated by the Head and staff of both IFSRS, Karamana and Central Prison. The success of this programme has motivated the prison officials to extend the cultivation to further barren lands of Central Prison with the technical expertise of IFSRS scientists, which assumes prime importance especially in the context of the “Subhiksha Keralam Programme” launched by the Kerala State Government to achieve self sufficiency in food production.